
Showing posts with the label హిజ్రా

సుప్రీం కోర్టు "హిజ్రా " హక్కులుని గుర్తించింది సరే ! మరి హిజ్రాలు రైల్వే ప్రయాణీకుల హక్కుల్నిగుర్తించేదేప్పుడు?

Sir, With the passage of time, India has progressed by leaps and bounds and has registered impressive growth in almost every sector. But one area which has not seen much improvement is the unwillingness of the authorities concerned and the general lack of concern of the public to address these issues. With alarming rise in unemployment, certain sections in our society have taken resort to dacoity, extortion, kidnapping etcetera to earn easy money. In this context, I would like to point out the atrocities committed by the hijras (eunuchs) on the passengers travelling in the ordinary trains. What the hijras resort to is nothing other than extortion and abuse of the train passengers in case their demands are not met. Who is responsible for this scenario? Is it the public who are more often than not forced to meet their demands out of fear as not meeting the demands of the hijras lead to ugly verbal duels in which the choicest of expletives are hurled at the passengers.  Is the g...